Try this link, the site is not in english and it says landrover but it is very interesting for people working on V8 engines.
i downloaded a random PDF for interests sake, and it came out in english. crammed full of exploded diagrams etc, so undoubtedly a good start!!
All the pdf's are in English it's just the website thats not.
Not to blow my own trumpet ... if only i could reach.... but i aquired a 3500 parts manual the other day and some of its available here on my website
a mate of mine has an old range rover running like a bag of crap at the minute. its a 3.5 v8. What should the timing be set at as I think thats one
problem he has.
Many Thanks in advance (timing joke there - did you get it ?)
i think its a bit retarded!!
theres another one there - [rolf harris]can you tell what it is yet?![/rolf harris]
I think he's a bit retarded - no jke, fact !
Try going to the website but up one level in the path to
You will find a whole load of extra pages including one for gearboxes including the LT77 and R380.
Great find guys!
For a 3.5 V8 Range Rover the timing depends on whether fuel injection or carbs, what fuel you are running on and if fitted what type of fuel injection
you have.
If you give me more details I'll look it up in my Haynes manual.
Its running on carbs, think they are stromberg but cant be 100% at the minute.
If it has electronic ignition and is a june 84-86 then the static timing is 6 degrees BTDC.
87 carb model 6 +/- 1 degree BTDC at 750rpm max (vacuum pipe disconnected) (on 4 star)
If its older than this let me know the distibutor serial number as they vary between 3 and 7 degrees BTDC (quoted on 91-93 octane fuel).
I'm afraid I only have the unleaded settings for a fuel injected engine.
Its an old v reg so about 1980 I think.
Ill get the serial number off him and let you know .
Haynes quotes for 91-93 octane fuel. The serial number of the distributor is likely to be 41680a or 41681a. The static timing and dynamic at idle speed are 7 degrees BTDC for the 80a and 5 degrees for the 81a.