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Setting up Dellorto carbs
200mph - 20/1/04 at 02:13 PM

I have a good book about the setting up of Weber carbs, with a list of all relevant settings. Are these roughly apllicable to dellortos?

If not, anyone know a book that lists everything?


robin - 20/1/04 at 04:29 PM

As far as im aware. (from my sunbeam racing days) the dellorto 40/45s were the same design as the 40/45 Webers. Most decent carb specialists had any part i required for my sunbeam Dellortos . I would be very surprised if any of the design was different.

200mph - 20/1/04 at 05:17 PM

Quality, thanks a mil


Stu16v - 20/1/04 at 07:18 PM

Yup, the designs are surprisingly similar. The accel pump works differently, and the jet numbering system actually makes sense with Delli's, unlike Weber which seems to be completely random. The 'setup' procedures will follow suit.

HTH Stu.

ady8077 - 20/1/04 at 07:27 PM

Hi Mark

only main difference i now when setting up is that Dellorto's use a finer thread on there idle screws and need to be turned out further

I have the Speedpro book on weber & delorto if you need any more info

Hope this helps


dblissett - 20/1/04 at 08:15 PM

i have a jetting program i can email it to you it came from a old link of here by a robin hood owner
cheers dave

dblissett - 20/1/04 at 08:19 PM

i have just found his name its dave andrews he has a very good site but i have lost the address

200mph - 20/1/04 at 08:31 PM

the program would be superb. Really appreciate it!!

Will do a search on Dave Andrews.


dblissett - 20/1/04 at 08:42 PM

send me your email address and i will send it to you
cheers dave

200mph - 21/1/04 at 07:26 PM

Hi dave did you get my u2u?

if not, my email add is
