Well all, jus been out takin some pics of my axle and engine, and just wanted to know how to make a photo archive of my own? also how do ya'll
get those funky wee pics beside ur names?
(wouldn't think im doing a degree in computers, would ya?)
the picture is an avatar, under control panel/edit profile/avatar URL. The pic needs to be available on the web, so if you have no webspace you need
to put it into your photo archive. Then rigth click/properties to find the address for the pic and paste it into the avatar box.
as for the photo archive, its new so i dont know!! in the 'old days' (last month!) it was easy though!.
try a u2u to chrisW, he sorts stuff out well!
or maybe read the recent thread in website problems about the archive, that might sort it.
[Edited on 24/1/04 by JoelP]
all you have to remember when putting a file on this site is that there are no spaces in the title works for me
Thanx, will give it a go fella's