probably been covered before but a search didnt reveal too much. anyone know roughly what grade of mineral oil is ok to get a pinto started? i dont
have an owners book and just want anything roughly right to get it running! thanks in advance.
10/w40 is the favourite, 6.5 pints standard capacity Joel. If it's been stood a bit whizz it up with the coil lead off to get some pressure up
yours, Pete.
Haynes Sierra 82-85 all models says
SAE 10w/30 or
SAE 20w/50
Gearbox SAE 80 EP
DIF SAE 90 hypoid
Joel.You may not get the oil pressure light to go out at starting cranking speeds on a pinto.It will measure on a guage though.In the past I've
know people flatten batterys on these engines waiting for lights to go out.......Or it could be sh1t rebuilding.....Bear it in mind.
my initial plan was, crank without the plugs in so that it is less of a struggle for the battery, but it will be on jumps as well cos the battery
probably isnt too healthy. Was also gonna put a few mls of oil into each cylinder before the cranking to get it round faster. there wont be any fuel
at first cos the tank hasnt arrived, but eventually i will fill the float chamber and have some easy start to hand.
Any comments on these steps or suggestions on others?! ta for those already suggested!
Don't use the easy start.Ether based highly bangish based stuff.Only for use on dumper trucks & jcbs.If you struggle with firing once you are
happy with the oil pressure,Put a small drop of petrol direct down the carb chokes.Then crank it over.Careful not to much though.Double check &
double check again before taking any short cuts on"why won't it fire".Theres no point in ruining all your own work for trying to save a
couple of evenings arseing about.Fire exstig' @ 15quid.Priceless.You will be amazed at what can catch fire.Hasn't happened to me but my
brother(a fireman) has hours of related stories.
Be lucky.
[Edited on 2/2/04 by TPG]