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A series Turbo
thetankwad - 14/2/04 at 02:06 PM

Hello people, i'm fitting a turbo to an A series using the metro turbo manifolds. However, rather than using the existimg T3 which i have, i;m planning to use a T2 for less lag (which i also have). Can anyone give me advice on this? Also, if anyone has an inch and three quarter SU lying around that is clamped for a turbo, theres cash waiting

macspeedy - 14/2/04 at 03:00 PM

there is a mini centre in glasgei, i would try them

theconrodkid - 14/2/04 at 03:30 PM

i think there is one in my mates barn,you would have to have the lot tho,turdo,manifold and head,its got sodium valves if yr interested

Spyderman - 14/2/04 at 05:46 PM

Think I have a Turbo SU in the garage somewhere.
Came off my old Metro Turbo when I dropped the MG engine in.
It's in reasonable nick, but has not been used for a good few years.


andyps - 14/2/04 at 08:19 PM

The standard Metro Turbo, with its associated controllers didn't suffer too much from lag as far as I remember from one my wife had a few years back - the main problem was the weak gearbox so you shouldn't suffer from that!

Jon Ison - 14/2/04 at 09:02 PM

cos the gearbox is kak bl cut down on boost ect to save a load a warrenty claims, dont know/remember exactly what they did run but it was'nt a lot.......

if your going turbo spend a bit on box o cogs too, dont forget if its a tranverse set up they share the same oil, hence any bits falling off the gearbox will find there way into engine oil too....

Stu16v - 14/2/04 at 09:16 PM

...and be careful about putting too much boost in. Part of the reason they didnt have much lag was that they ran quite a high compression ration (for a turbo).

thetankwad - 15/2/04 at 02:43 PM

Not to worry, if i'm using a T2 it should eliminate the lag. I have all the components bar the carb; sodium valves and all.