is a carlton box much bigger around the bellhousing and in length than a type 9 box? is the box easy to mount?
the carlton box has an integral belhousing, i have a pic of a manta gte box, which is essentially identical but the starter is on the wqrong side,
hence hte bolt pattern is wrong (DOH!)
ps if anyone wants a manta gte box i've got one!
will try and find a pic,
The answer to your question, is basically YES. I asked a simular question before I got my engine & gearbox.
The Carlton 2lt and up, gearboxes are a problem because of the starter, however the 1.8lt gearbox is also a little bigger in the bellhousing area.
I'm using a 1.8 carlton engine & gearbox as one unit, but I have modded the tranny tunnel a little just to make everything fit better. The
mod I have done has not changed the size alot but has offset it a little so as not to change the space in the drivers pedal bay.
Ned - Just to clarify my 1.8 engine & box from 1989 carlton has the starter on the left (looking from the front).
I've got a 1990 2.0i Carlton; if you want me to measure the box, just shout out.