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Race engine - balancing pistons & con rods
Richard Jenkins - 7/3/04 at 08:16 PM

I'm going to get my pistons & con rods balanced as part of my 750 MC locost build. What tolerances should I look for in balancing?

Currently they look like:

- lightest approx 640g
- no.2 +0.5g
- no.3 +0.75g
- no.4 +1.0g

Con rods
- lighest approx 660g
- no.2 +1.5g
- no.3 +3g
- no.4 +5g


Terrapin_racing - 8/3/04 at 09:50 AM


Deckman001 - 8/3/04 at 10:22 AM

Check the regs properly first !! there is a max number of conrod and pistons that can be machined for balancing, I think it is three of each !! but I'm not too sure so have a good read !!


Richard Jenkins - 8/3/04 at 12:53 PM

Thanks - I looked at the website, but didn't see any information on tolerances to look for when adjusting the weights to be the same. I was hoping to know if a +1g difference between pistons was within acceptable tolerance for a race x-flow 1300.

I assume +5g on a con rod isn't within tolerance, but don't know what would be.

Thanks also for the 750MC regs comment - absolutely right you're only allowed to balance 3 pistons and con rods, so I (or the engine builder to be more accurate) will pick the lightest and reduce the other 3 to the same weight.