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Puma engine
paulbeyer - 19/8/02 at 08:50 PM

Someone at work has bought a puma and is ranting about how wonderful the engine is. By all accounts it was developed by Yamaha so uses a lot of bike engine technology. I found the following link....

Does anyone know anything about these motors 'cos i've not seen any reference to them being used in kit cars.

One company using them for racing is Swindon racing engines.

Could be worth investigating, what do you think?

theconrodkid - 20/8/02 at 10:25 PM

Its a small zetec,revs like thers no tommorow but watch out if you change the timing belt!

ChrisW - 20/8/02 at 11:36 PM

My mate has one. They're a 1.7 Zetec with VVT (variable valve timing). Goes like a rocket for the engine size but I'll bet you'd spend a bit getting one and remember it'll be too new to avoid having a CAT. Might be better to SVA with something older then put it in at a later date?


paulbeyer - 21/8/02 at 08:15 PM

Might be better to SVA with something older then put it in at a later date?

Hi Chris,
That's what I was thinking. By the time I get my car finished and SVA'd I rekon there will be a few Puma's being broken. I reckon it could be a good alternative to the traditional route or the BEC route. Then I'd get the wee taken by both Mr. Ison and Mr Plastic Bum Chin.