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Thermostat query
Avoneer - 31/5/04 at 08:26 PM

In theory, shouldn't a thermostat work whichever way round it is fitted?

David Jenkins - 31/5/04 at 08:30 PM

No, because the wax capsule needs to sit in the water on the engine side (otherwise it won't get hot enough to open).

next question?


Hugh Paterson - 31/5/04 at 08:46 PM

David, winning lottery No's

Avoneer - 31/5/04 at 08:59 PM

Is that the bit that looks like a small nuclear reactor, that cylindrical brass thing?
Sorry to sound like a right spanner, but I honestly don't know!

stephen_gusterson - 31/5/04 at 10:59 PM

yep. thats the wax capsule. gotta go in the hot stuff



Hornet - 1/6/04 at 08:15 AM

Thats correct.... you put the dilithium crystals into the warp drive and u have factor 8 available

mad4x4 - 1/6/04 at 08:49 AM

How do you get the wires into the Pipe without a leak ????.

Oh sorry thought you were talking about the themostat switch for the fan.

stephen_gusterson - 1/6/04 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Hornet
Thats correct.... you put the dilithium crystals into the warp drive and u have factor 8 available

you need at least factor 15 to protect against the suns rays

