i,m putting my engine back together and need to set up the timing.It says the firing order is 1 3 4 2, but from which end of the engine? do you count
this looking from the gearbox end to the fan end or the opposite way round.
From fan to gearbox, (Front to Back)
cheers Alan, thought it was, but I just thought i,d check. Didn,t want the engine to go bang incase i got it wrong!!!
Have tried 2-4-3-1-doesnt go bang ,more like pop and spits out some flames-especially once youve poured some petrol down carb in desperate attempt to get the thing going!!!!
checku havent got the distributor 180 degrees out i.e firin on 4 when should be on 1
dis requard last post
i should read things a bit more carefully dohhhh!!!!!!!!