I'm having a bit of trouble calculating what speed I will be able to do in each gear (type 9 box)
Assuming a diff ratio of 3.62, wheel circumference of 1.8m and gear ratios as follows:
1st - 3.65
2nd - 1.97
3rd - 1.37
4th - 1
5th - 0.82
I get the following speeds at 6000rpm in each gear:
1st - 31mph
2nd - 57mph
3rd - 82mph
4th - 112mph
5th - 136mph
Now having driven a sierra as an everyday car for some months I'm sure it won't do anything like these speeds in these gears, so where have
I gone wrong?!
Ill send you a gear calculator if you want one, but I bet your not far off if you rev it to 6000.
Originally posted by Mk-Ninja
Ill send you a gear calculator if you want one, but I bet your not far off if you rev it to 6000.
Regarding calculating of speeds from gears.
If you have access to a copy of :
Rebuilding and Tuning Pintos and CrossFlows
(Blueprint Books : isbn 1 899814 21 3)
It gives data on calculating speeds taking into account laden tyres diameter etc.
The example given has 1000 rpm for 20 mph in fourth gear so 112 in your list is
not too far off.
Pete what is your tire size and I will tell you the speed
Where do you allow for the drag factor?
My car is geared at about 23mph per 1000 revs in 5th
But it will never do 138mph (6000)
In fact because of the long gearing and drag it has a similar top speed in 4th or 5th!!!!!!
Originally posted by white130d
Pete what is your tire size and I will tell you the speed
Originally posted by Surrey Dave
Where do you allow for the drag factor?
My car is geared at about 23mph per 1000 revs in 5th
But it will never do 138mph (6000)
In fact because of the long gearing and drag it has a similar top speed in 4th or 5th!!!!!!
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