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X/flow to type 9 RS2000 Alloy
Deckman001 - 14/7/04 at 04:02 PM

Anyone done this conversion, am in the process at the moment and am having a problem with the starter alignment, sandwich plate doesn't line up with all of the starter bolt holes
Many Thanks

Lars - 14/7/04 at 04:23 PM

i had the same prob with the type 9,
i just cut off the part with the 3 starter motor holes and used that part as a kind of a washer

Markp - 14/7/04 at 06:41 PM

I had the same problem too, I cut the three hole part off, realined them with the type 9 box, welded it back on.


Deckman001 - 14/7/04 at 07:07 PM

Cheers Gents, that's cheered me up !!
