i have to change the front wheel bearings on the Elise.
I have read that they are very difficult to push in , and that warming the hub could help.
In my job ,i have access to liquid nitrogen.
So , i was thinking that i could also cool the bearing before inserting it.
good or bad idea ?
is there any risk to damage the bearing ?
yes but sudden cooling with liquid nitrogen might be a bit much for the seals, with fitted big end bolts on big marine engines we used to leave
them in the galley freezer for a full 24 hours before fitting to get the core temperature down. Then could use liquid nitrogen but be careful
because the seals will be brittile as such low temperatures also the ABS ring which I assume is built into the bearing is easily damaged ----
make 100% sure the bearing goes in the right way round.
I don't know the Elise suspension but I would assume the hub is alloy that will expand more than the steel when warmed.
Bad idea, just cool the bearing down to domestic freezer temp and warm the hub to about 100c at most in oven and then press the bearing in firmly after putting jointing compound on bearing cup to prevent corrosion.
+1 for foskid's idea
Originally posted by foskid
Bad idea, just cool the bearing down to domestic freezer temp and warm the hub to about 100c at most in oven and then press the bearing in firmly after putting jointing compound on bearing cup to prevent corrosion.
thanks for advices !!