Hi guys, this is my first post but been lurking for a while. Was wondering if anyone could make a custom sized trigger wheel as my crank pulley is a
bit of an odd shape.
do you have CAD? if you can draw it AndyW can waterjet it for you.
Welcome to the MADHOUSE DUDE!
Sorry for the dude bit
if you can draw it up then andyw7de can cut it out for you
[edit]too slow it....
if you don't have CAD then sketch it up and one off us can turn it into a proper drawing for you
[Edited on 19/9/2011 by mcerd1]
Thanks for the quick replies. sorry guys, don't know how to use CAD. Basically just need a 36-1 trigger wheel with 145mm OD and 80mm hole.
like this ?
or if you know someone with a lathe you could get one of these in a 5.75" (146mm) with a 1/2" hole, then get it machined out to 80mm
[Edited on 20/9/2011 by mcerd1]
thats exactly what i need. God you guys are quick. Could you send me the file so i can get it made up. I don't know anyone with a lathe so prob
better to get it done from scratch i think.
if you can give me a day I'll check the size of the teeth against mine (I did those from memory and a bit of guess work...) but I can't get
to mine till tomorrow night
unless someone else on here knows if they'll be good enough, in that drawing they are 5mm deep and have a 3mm radius in each 'corner' -
let me know if you need any changes
[Edited on 20/9/2011 by mcerd1]
not a problem, i'm in no rush.
have you got an e-mail address I can send this to ?
U2U sent