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Progress - strip down begins
b14wrc - 9/10/11 at 05:31 PM

Evening all,

Well, what a weekend. Got loads done on my engine this weekend, it's going to have a complete strip down to bear block to see if there are any problems before I clean and paint it all up. Any worn parts out of spec I will hopefully change, budget depending. Car ran fine before I removed the motor.....

I also finished my work bench, bolted down the vice and installed the speakers, iPhone plugs into a sub and amp in the cupboard.

One thing I will say, this engine ain't light. Nearly blow a gasket trying to move it. But with 220 bhp as standard, I think the overall car will still be quick.

My work bench now finished.

Had a bit of a job getting the gearbox off last night, this morning first thing it took me about 30 mins... Easy after a nights kip! One problem I know I have with the engine is the clutch, it did slip a bit when the boost came on and the revs increased. Looking at the plates through the pressure plate - they don't look that worn.... I did notice that there is a crack on the pressure plate springs and the finger springs don't move very well in that area. Any one had the same thing? The clutch will be changed, just a matter of interest really. Any one know if these engines (fiat 20v) suffer clutch problems??

Anyway, really feel I have had a good weekend getting covered in oil, shame I have to go to work tomorrow.


omega0684 - 10/10/11 at 08:17 AM

Won't be like that for long!