I have a blackbird engine which has a rotrex running off tje end of tje crank.
I'm to use a dta s60 to manage it all.
Am I correct that the dta can be setup to run a solenoid, as most of tje ones on eBay come with a fancy dan boost controller.
Which I don't think I need.
Originally posted by T66
I have a blackbird engine which has a rotrex running off tje end of tje crank.
I'm to use a dta s60 to manage it all.
Am I correct that the dta can be setup to run a solenoid, as most of tje ones on eBay come with a fancy dan boost controller.
Which I don't think I need.
I use a AEM solenoid with a S80, this one http://www.efi-parts.co.uk/index.php?productID=222. The solenoid works pretty well but oddly the dynamic range does depend on which way around you plumb it in, for a wastegate a "normally closed" config is best although a "normally open" would of course be safer. I don't use PID, just directly set duty cycles %.
Thanks for the replies -
Im busy looking at managing the Rotrex boost with a solenoid opening/closing a wastegate.
Just out of interest, why are you looking to control boost when using a Rotrex? normally if the blower is sized and geared correctly that should be it?