got a bit of a head scratcher so could do with a few pointers
Just fitted a caterham starter motor to a kseries1.8 correct spacer used.The engine's on the bench at the mo so used a set of jump leads and a
fly lead to energise the starter.it turns slowly and really struggles on a compression stroke.The battery is good. flies round with the plugs out.
connected to a type9 box but doesn't drag
I originally went down the sierra starter route and had the same issues.
Any help would be gratefully recieved
is it in gear?
no checked that
thanks tho'
when i've been running mine, fully charged battery, when using jump leads struggles to turn over. once smoke came out the jump cables...
crap jump cables. i mean they're ok for jumping a car because they charge the flat battery up enough for the car to turn over on its battery i
guess, but found them hopeless to turn an engine over with for some reason
try with some proper battery cables with battery clamps
Dodgy battery?bad connection especially the earths?
What type of caterham starter are you using is it the ford type ,or the reduction geared one. my 1.8 k series would turn over very slowly on the ford type ,but on the reduction geared one it flys over.
Have you tried turning it over by hand?
I'm there with Blakep82, poor jump cables are not the same as the much heavier and more importantly shorter cables that are in the car. Use the
original +ve to the starter, and then both jump leads to provide the -ve, that might help, or use the proper earth strap.
hey hey
many thanks guys got it sorted
your replies were great.is fine now using proper set up.It is a reduction geared one spins it really well.(gary7)
but a big thanks to the missus for letting me back in the den
too much ignition advance maybe i know our pinto will fly round with around 10 degrees advance but spits back though the carbs at around 20 degrees it runs perfect but will not start the same as your just stops on compression stroke but at around 14 degrees it is okay for starting and still idles okay