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Engine change continued!
cal - 16/1/12 at 01:19 PM

Just thought i would post up some progress of teh ZETEC install onmy westy!!

Some tidying to be done and a few minor mods then to be rolling roaded and mapped!!!

I think theres even some room for a later addition of an M62 charger!! might be next winter though!!!

lewis - 16/1/12 at 03:21 PM

Wow you have really got on with this! Nearing the end of my conversion too mega squirt nearly finish & manifold being welded atm.

dlatch - 16/1/12 at 06:58 PM

plenty room what's your clearance with the oil filter and steering uj like?

cal - 17/1/12 at 12:38 AM

Even with a large oil filter theres still about an inch between it and the steering . Only issue im having is finding a positive answer on main jet size. Plenty of posts talk about drilling out main jets to 1.7mm however mine were already larger than that. other posts i have found talk about 1.4 mm?!?!? can anyone give me an answer??

lewis - 17/1/12 at 07:03 AM

I drilled mine to 1.6mm so I'm sure yours @ 1.7mm will be fine if you want to make them smaller you can buy smaller jets or some people have soldered up the jets & redrilled them

cal - 17/1/12 at 09:39 AM

well looking at the jets i think they are 200 or 210 as they are straight out of the zx7 and they are the stock jets so ordered some smaller ones, can always drill out if required. Just having fuelling issues now with pressure , but dialling that down to 3psi and then once jets are sorted on to the map and rolling road. Anyone got any experince where the needles should be set??

lewis - 17/1/12 at 10:49 AM

Is 3psi not a bit high for bike carbs?

cal - 17/1/12 at 11:11 AM

Lewis, the 3 psi i was going from was acording to this source not a bad bit of reading, i was running a facet fuel pump and FPR for the webbers so i assumed maybe wrongly the pressure would be correct, once i get the pipes all plumbed in correctly and jets sorted ile look at the pressure again if theres an issue

lewis - 17/1/12 at 02:40 PM

Just wondered as I was told 1psi I had a swirl pot & weber fuel pump from my 45s but have changed to a bike pump as this seems to be the norm with bike carbs,let us know how you get on.

whitestu - 17/1/12 at 03:58 PM


well looking at the jets i think they are 200 or 210 as they are straight out of the zx7

Are you sure? I have ZX6 carbs and the standard jets are about 1.4mm. I can't imagine the ZX7 is that much different.
I drilled mine to 1.6mm.


[Edited on 17/1/12 by whitestu]

cal - 18/1/12 at 12:35 AM

Yea i thought my jets would be somewhere near the 1.6 mark already and not much larger, according to various kawasaki sites the stock jets are 200/210 to reduce emmissions or some crazyness on 96+ bikes however alot of owners dynojet their bikes and change the jets to 160/170 as they run better. obvioulsy mine have not been done like this so im off to shop for some 1.6 jets for the carbs. Had a friend look at the needles while im away and seems to think there is no circlip to move the needles up or down which i thought was odd too!.

Lewis i will get back to you on the fuel pressure question, i have seen quite a few places including some threads on here talk of 3psi for bike carbs. but ile let you know what i end up running,

Shes all finished now so ile post up some pics soon. probably need to tidy the looms up then a few cosmetic bits for summer!!!

next thing is to source and fit an M62 charger and run that

lewis - 18/1/12 at 07:29 AM

Ohhh supercharger now you got me thinking!

cal - 18/1/12 at 12:20 PM

theres a nice little thread i found from a guy putting a supercharger on a 2b. Was a MERC M62 charger running through bike carbs. he was using the megajolt to switch the magnetic clutch on the charger on and off, will try and find the link.,......

link -