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ZZR1100 c1 FIXED!!!!
maccmike - 8/3/12 at 12:23 PM

update from previous post re:running issues

after replacing/swapping/changing/multimeter tests;
plugs twice
air filter
fuel filter
fuel pump
float bowl mod
cleaning carbs twice
fresh fuel
coolant filter
lots of head scrathing

turns out it was the fuel pump relay.
£10 fixed!

ash_hammond - 8/3/12 at 12:30 PM

At least you got there!!

Dusty - 8/3/12 at 04:11 PM

And you've got a spare fuel pump, plugs, coils, leads, battery, air filter, etc in the come in handy box. Must be good, apart from the no money left bit.
I know the feeling. I chased an elusive fuelling fault for a year plus only to eventually find it was an intermittent valve like blockage in the bullet filter of my facet solid state pump. A drill through it was an instant permanent cure. I have relied on cheapo plastic inline fuel filters ever since.

[Edited on 8/3/12 by Dusty]