Can someone please help me with my crazy fuel tank and it's numerous connections. Please see the picture.
I know I need some sort of one way air breather valve but which of the many connections do I use?
Outlets A B D and E are about 13mm across and C is 5mm.
The fuel filler nozzle cam with the kit and works perfectly - it's just the other connections I am confused about.
[Edited on 10/5/12 by Irony]
Guessing here...
E is fuel return from fuel-rail
C is filler overflow (routed to the floor)
D is the tank breather and should be connected to A
B is the top "open" end of the breather.
I am running carbs so that will mean E can be just blanked off?
Yes, but if you think you might be running EFI in the future I would run an extra pipe from tank to engine bay anyway!
{Some carbs have an overflow that should be routed back to the tank anyway}
[Edited on 10/5/12 by tegwin]
Thanks for the replies Tegwin.
Nobody else have any other thoughts?
[Edited on 10/5/12 by Irony]