I've installed a 36-1 trigger wheel on a bike engine. If I get a spark generated at the spark plugs dose this mean it is set up correctly?
No it could still be out of time.
To elaborate it means the VR (crank position sensor) is seeing the missing tooth, the ecu is instructing spark at a reference to the map.
What you must be sure of is that the missing tooth is 90 degrees after TDC from there you set the spark map
If you have a spark that's a good start.
Yes, I think I have the degrees before tdc set right, but dose the fact I'm getting a spark mean the ecu is reading the 36_1 wheel correctly?
Have you got a laptop talking to the megasquirt?
If so then you should see some RPM on the laptop (running tunerstudio, or megasquirt software).
Spark is a good sign though.
The VR sensor should be 80 degrees not 90 using a 36-1 wheel.
See this link
Originally posted by big-vee-twin
The VR sensor should be 80 degrees not 90 using a 36-1 wheel.
See this link
Thanks lads had it mounted arseways!. Missing tooth was 220 degrees before sensor designated tooth.!