Anyone got any dyno figures of early Hayabusa engine with Pipercross dome filter + tuned powercommander.
Mines a 99 engine piper cross air box mk exhaust with 6 inch can and a custom map from daytuner
It did 162 bhp and 109lb all at the wheels.
After it was tuned the hp figure went up a bit but the torque curve was a lot smoother, it was like a different car driving it home.
Hth rob
Thanks, what diff and tyre sizes are you running ? so its around 185bhp at sprocket
It's running a 3.32 diff with 15 inch wheels although this won't have any bearing on power.
As for power at the sprocket no idea I never asked but it is bloody fast!
LOL, thanks/ Got a Busa in box for my Indy (fitted with blade just now) , but i knew that aftermarket BEC exhaust system gave more BHP, just
interested in exact figures. 109lbft torque, Bloody Hell !
Runnning 3.92 just now but got 3.62 & 3.38. 90% of our roads are tight twisty road , so was going to go for 3.62, but 109lbft maybe 3.38 maybe
ok. I'm running 195/45/15
Definitely go for the 3.38. It will give you more options on tyres and wheels as well. I run the 3.62 and cruising at anything over 70 just feels horrible for the engine. If you decide against can you please send me your 3.38 diff!!! )
sure. I did have a 3.14 in my blade, but it was far too tall. I swapped it with one fo the stock car boys for a 3.92/3.62/3.38 diff.