I know I know, fuel air spark. I recently did an engine transplant CA18DET. I reused the old alternator, which worked before. I reused the old plugs
and coils, which worked previously.
I have discovered a leaking clutch slave cylinder (parts for which I have no idea where to source). I cannot get any joy from this, although it does
turn over. I am essentially venting because I know it can't be done over the internet.
Thanks for listening.
You sounded like me today trying to start mine, first start in 9 months, press the start button - nothing...
Ok, check I actually connected the starter motor up, I had...
Solenoid is working, its a new one as well, am I getting output from it, I was...
Try and manually turn the starter over with a spanner, turns ok..
Remove the starter and flash out on a battery, OH, it works now....
Must be a dodgy earth then, remove the engine earth strap , clean up the area and replace starter, still nothing....
Went and made a brew.........
Removed the starter once again and flashed it out, works again....
Decided that I would take the motor to bits, as I had ruled out everything else.
What was happening was as I fitted the starter cable to the post on the motor itself, the post was turning slightly, not much maybe 5 degrees ,
however that was enough to put a strain on the brushes inside the motor that need to make contact with the commutator, the brushes were held tight in
the holders as I tightened up the cable on the post. As soon as I removed the cable this post would then return to its normal position and the motor
would then work........
I may add that this had worked faultlessly for some years as well, just shows you how something so silly stops a perfectly good engine from
Hope you get your issues sorted out by the way..
Hey thanks! I know people get tired of all these complaints, but it does actually drive me batty. The number of days I hit it and things work as
planned are very few and far between! However, once running, I plan to clean up at autoslalom... I have the tyres, the setup, the driver is past his
prime, but still going...
EVERYTHING simply takes far longer, and is far more involved. I often get the non-starting 5VY syndrome, there's some previous grief detailed by
others on here. Sometimes it just will not start, reason unknown, though I have spent 100's of hours trying to discover why.
This weeks 'easy' job before a trip was to swap out a rear upright wheel bearing....... I can't even desribe the frustration, lpanic to
weld/machine the damaged housing, shafts, etc., all discovered when the items were removed.... agghhh...
I like the '95%' complete (for sale) ads for unfinished kit cars often on this site, 'only take a weekend to finish'...
We know that the last 5% takes 95% of the time and it's inversely proportional going forward.
Originally posted by motorcycle_mayhem
... I often get the non-starting 5VY syndrome, there's some previous grief detailed by others on here....
will do. tx again everyone!
Spark: yes. Fuel: yes. Injectors clicking away when the Cam Angle Sensor is turned: yes. Engine start: no.
I also reset the timing belt to be on the correct teeth on the cam sprockets.