Hi Guys,
Long time no post. Its come the time where I intend to have the engine running in the MNR before hell freezes over. Could someone point me in the
direction of where I can find a double T for the lower coolant hose for the zetec. I did a quick search and found CBS have them but they are only
single T's and tiger have them but wasn't sure of the dia of the outlets. Also in my many searches on here RE the cooling side of it I came
across a post with a chap who posted that he might be able to custom make such items??????? If I were to get a custom one 32mm pipe one T @ 21mm and I
intend to use a rover 25 header so the second T @ 19mm (think that's what I read).
Anyway I think and hope you get the gist.
Help appreciated
Tiger item
I used a
p on ebay who sells standard T-pieces, but will make to whatever spec you request...
Otherwise, you were probably referring to Fuore on here... I think it was he who said he would be getting the kit to make up custom joiners...
Ah, welcome back.
I (we all) have missed you and the twins, they are looking as... er... vibrant as ever. . . . .
thank you.
Your welcome, I can't really offer much in the way of help so have to earn my keep some how..
Russbost makes them - not sure if he's back in the UK - try dropping him a U2U (welcome back)