Hello Gents,
Im just about to finish my ZX-10R coolant plumbing on my MK. Any advice on what coolant or coolant mixtures you guys have been using ?
Thanks !
I run 100% "pink" coolant in mine dont bother to mix it.
Is that Aluminium safe ?
How about petrol?
I was hopeful that someone would have advice on a decent, affordable coolant.
Petrol ? Never thought of that and a true bargain @ £1.30 per litre.
I'd run the same as recommended by Kawasaki to make sure everything runs smoothly. Could also try adding a 'water wetter' to help with the cooling too.
In my Bird I just used what ever I had in the garage at the time. Never had any cooling issues, it's only anti-freeze after all.
Thanks chaps, appreciate the advice.
There used to be 3 types red green and blue colour coded but the colour coding system went to pot and u can now get most types in most colours. In essence most are ethalene glycol and the colour used to relate to the corosion inhibitor the redish OAT's stuff is the most harsh to ally due to its long life anti corosion adatives. The blue 2 year stuff is the safest on ali and the green somewhere inbetween. I use the blue stuff on my bec and cars with ali header tanks and make sure i change it before it turns clear and crystally and blocks vents etc. Usually every 2 years. Ive left the red stuff in old diesel cars for over 15 years with no issues but theres no ally for it to react with
OAT or HOAT coolant is by far the safest long term the corrosion inhibitor works for 5 years plus.
It is usually Pink/Red/Orange but these days comes in all sorts of colours.
The GM antifreeze sold by Vauxhall dealers is the best buy.
Blue or Green conventional coolant must be renewed before its 3rd winter because the coolant inhibitors stop working.