Hi there,
Yesterday i installed a 1600 unleaded head onto my 1600 block so i could run just on unleaded. The head has had a new standard 2.0 cam and followers
installed and all the valves reground and new oil seals and spray bar. All the valve cleareances have been set atleast twice but now there is a
ticking sort of sound coming from the top end, sound like a pinto that has never had its oil changed if you know what i mean! Its a strange one i was
thinking it could be the camshaft bearings? The noise appears louder in the car? Any ideas or advice would be great!
Just of the top of my head ------
Spray bar NOT spraying oil evenly/adequately/properly (perm any one or all three, to check remove rocker box and start engine and watch the oil flow
or not. Don't run for long cos it WILL throw oil EVERYWHERE). Cure = remove spray bar, check oil coming out of oil way on post if no oil from
spray bar, If no oil then could be blocked oil way of head gasket fitted incorrectly.repair as required.
Valve spring crush. Cam lift too high for the valve and spring combined with the 2.0 cam. (To check turn engine by hand and check each valve (in turn)
at its maximum lift, you should have something about 0.8mm (IIRC) clearance on the coils at maximum lift. Cure = replace with proprietry after market
valve springs.
oil seeping past rings giving dieseling. Cure = as necessary.
Centre cam bearing allowing excessive oil seepage due to wear. Cure = re work head and replace bearings.
Valve clearances not set correctly. Cure = re adjust.
Check for exhaust manifold leak
Sounds very much like a top end tick
loose spark plug?
Oil spray bar hitting the cam sounds daft but can happen