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Which port is in and out?
deezee - 30/6/12 at 02:46 PM

So i have decided to fit an Accusump and oil cooler as a bit of insurance with my on going oil issues. So I hve picked up a Mocal sandwich plate with built in thermostat. However, its really tricky trying to work out which are the in and out ports.

This is VERY important with the Accusump added to the equation, because it has to feed back into the engine. If I get this wrong, the Accusump won't be pushing oil into the engine, jut back into the sump!

So can anyone tell me which ports are in and out?

eddie99 - 30/6/12 at 02:57 PM

I run both oil cooler and accusump, run take off to oil cooler and back, then use a seperate oil port for accusump. Can you do that with yours?

deezee - 30/6/12 at 03:44 PM

No, sadly I can't have a separate feed for the Accusump without taking he engine out and tapping in the oil passage way (not an option) I was going to have the sandwich plate feeding the oil cooler, then on the return pipe to the sandwich plate, put a T piece and check valve in for the Accusump.

rusty nuts - 30/6/12 at 04:31 PM

Oil filters normally work by pushing the oil through from the outside of the filter towards the middle. The connection that flows through the center hole should be the outlet.

deezee - 30/6/12 at 04:41 PM

The both go via the outer of the oil filter, so that doesn't help. I was hoping to get an answer off someone who may of fitted this to their car.

Andy B - 30/6/12 at 05:42 PM

Let me know what engine it's going on and I will tell you which port is connected to the main oil gallery

deezee - 30/6/12 at 06:12 PM

Its a 1992 Escort RS2000 16v engine. Shares the same block as the Sierra 2.0 DOHC. Half the problem is I'm not sure which way the thermostat is supposed to be allowing the oil flow around the sandwich plate.

stevebubs - 30/6/12 at 08:27 PM

If in doubt, fit it and spin the engine over for a few seconds with the plugs out....the one the oil spurts out of is the outlet...