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Measure C02 at home
mcg - 16/7/12 at 03:35 PM

Hi- appologies if this has been covered a million times before, but I am struggling to find anything on it:

I would like to measure C02 for IVA emmisions prep at home. Is it possible to use my AEM Wideband AFR Lambda UEGO Gauge to do this?

Otherwise, how can I do it bar taking it down the local MOT station?

Thanks in advance.


britishtrident - 16/7/12 at 04:29 PM

An oxygen sensor can't measure CO2.

steve m - 16/7/12 at 04:42 PM

well one way would be... , but it is flawed,
inhale all the exhust fumes, if your still alive after 2 mins, it will be fine


matt_claydon - 16/7/12 at 05:34 PM

It's CO, not CO2, which is tested at IVA by the way.

Rod Ends - 16/7/12 at 08:58 PM

Gunson G4125 Gastester Digital

mcg - 16/7/12 at 08:59 PM

okeydokie...cheers for the reply's.

Is there a way of doing it at home then?

matt_gsxr - 16/7/12 at 09:37 PM

You can't measure CO, or CO2 with a lambda probe, but you should be able to get the mixture correct with a lambda probe, which should give you the correct CO2 and CO.