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Ignition Coil - Sparks everywhere
RobBrown - 25/8/12 at 05:26 PM

I have my engine running, but today I noticed that the ignition coil seems to spark between the + and - terminals and the HT feed.

All terminals have rubber boots on, yet still seems to spark. I can only put it down to the small gap between them all.

Is this normal?


bartonp - 25/8/12 at 05:40 PM

Originally posted by RobBrown
I have my engine running, but today I noticed that the ignition coil seems to spark between the + and - terminals and the HT feed.

All terminals have rubber boots on, yet still seems to spark. I can only put it down to the small gap between them all.

Is this normal?


Not normal - it's "tracking" - a HV breakdown over the surface.
If it's clean, the HV may be following a carbonised track or crack.
Clean & dry thoroughly, if it still does it it's new coil time.


PS. That's why it's a good idea to open your bonnet in the dark sometimes.

RobBrown - 25/8/12 at 05:43 PM

I have another coil (new) which I tried and it did the same.

I will clean and dry everything.

snapper - 25/8/12 at 06:15 PM

Fully clean Coil HT connection and HT lead connection if still tracking
Swap HT lead

theconrodkid - 25/8/12 at 06:54 PM

normally caused by moisture,also a big gap,maybe carbon fell out of the dizzy cap,rotor resistor is popped or broken leads can cause it

RobBrown - 25/8/12 at 06:56 PM

Cleaned everything and dried with kitchen towel and hairdryer. It must have been due to moisture as it has now stopped "tracking".

Mark Allanson - 25/8/12 at 07:03 PM

A coil designed for use with a ballast resistor being used where no ballast resistor is present?

RobBrown - 25/8/12 at 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
A coil designed for use with a ballast resistor being used where no ballast resistor is present?

Before I dried it all I was also thinking that myself. Everything was as it was in the original Sierra, but that's not to say it was right their either.

How do I tell. What does a ballast resister look like and where does it go?

I know my new coil is for a 1.5ohm ballast resister, but not sure about the original one?
