I am designing a 4x4 bike-engined car that I hope to begin building in Jan/13. That is, if I can resolve my many doubts.
Planning on fabricating the uprights and using bolt-on hub carriers (GM, Jeep...) for the front and rear
Hope to end up having four identical halfshafts in order to reduce spares and complications.
Both differentials will be identical Sierra units. Undecided on 7" or 7.5" and 100 or 108 OD.
On one hand, I'd prefer to use the 108 flanges and 930 cv joints, plunging in the diff side and non-plunging on the wheel side, bolted to wheel
stubs, with 28-spline bar shafts.
On the other hand, maybe going for the smaller size would allow me to use BMW outboard cv joints and shafts, which would be far cheaper as I could
find them in the junkyard. But I do not know if it is possible to find non-plunging joints with 100 OD.
Does anybody have an insight into this or run into a similar issue before?
Any advice?