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gearlever no longer springs
stressy - 16/9/04 at 06:26 PM

A friend is having problems with his type 9 gearbox. The gearlever no longer has any springing action and can be left wherever you put it.

Any body know most likely cause for this?

theconrodkid - 16/9/04 at 06:28 PM

there is a circlip under the first rubber boot,if that falls of it will do that

stressy - 16/9/04 at 06:37 PM

speedy speedy conrod,

might be silly question but what rubber boot? are we talking about the lever shroud?

cheers mate

theconrodkid - 16/9/04 at 10:31 PM

yup,there are 2/3 rubber boots/shrouds on t gear lever,its the bottom one the clip is under