Just took the other half's 535 Virago for a spin. It sets of ok and pulls ok until about halfway in the rev range then holds back/bogs down and
struggle to rev any further.
We have only just put it on the road. New plugs, oil, filter, air filter. Its revs fine when stood still it just give problems under load.
I'm thinking coils/plug leads maybe? I have no experiance with V twins what so ever.
I'm going to pull the carbs and give them a good clean and swap the fuel filter.
Any helpful info would be great.
[Edited on 9/11/12 by CraigJ]
Sounds just like the blocked cat I had on my Vectra
no cat on this lol.
Originally posted by rallyingden
Sounds just like the blocked cat I had on my Vectra
Does it have intake rubbers? If so, check for any perishing or cracking. Give them a tug and see if there is anywhere for air to get in-out!
check plug colour, sounds like fueling to me
check plug colour, sounds like fueling to me
Primary jets in bike carbs give this problem when they are partially blocked. Has it been stood for a while with fuel in the float bowls ? Give them some carb cleaner and a good poke with a wire brush bristle.
Given the float bowls a clean and it seems better but i don't think its all there. Its a pain in the ass as i'm used to a GSXR750 so i
don't know what to expect power delivery wise. 140bhp to 38bhp.
The bike does not have a rev counter. Low down in every gear its feels ok then as the revs rise it feels like its holding back.
Yep that will be the problem. Fixed it now and it pulls much better.