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Torque settings for R1 "big ends"
Leg - 20/12/12 at 11:16 AM

Does anyone know what they are please?


[Edited on 20/12/12 by Leg]

motorcycle_mayhem - 20/12/12 at 12:26 PM


You're using Yamaha new bolts (as you should) and stock rods honed from finest chocolate (which you probably shouldn't), not after-market items.


For the 5VY (2004-6) I perform the following:

Careful finger tight assembly, usual checks, then tighten steadily and carefully to 20 Nm. Bolts are then further tightened by 150 degrees - gauged with a carefully marked CD with the socket drive through the middle of it.

adithorp - 20/12/12 at 12:28 PM

What model of R1?

5vy (04-06) are... 20Nm + 150degrees, or in old money... (notes indicate oiled threads)

Leg - 20/12/12 at 01:12 PM

Sorry. 5JJ. All new parts.


renetom - 20/12/12 at 05:28 PM

I have a Yamaha 98 YZF R1 service manual in PDF format 14.2 mb
+ a supplementary 2000 service manual 4.64 mb.
if you want them send me utu with your email