I have mocked them up with 3mm ply, is there anything that needs to be changed?
Is 3mm steel thick enough or maybe use 5mm for the top face? They will be used with landrover 37mm mounts.
I would consider upping the sides to 5mm leaving the others at 3mm, the landrover mounts will spread the load over the main faces, leaving the largest stresses at the sides. Also do the sides need that much height?, ie, could they be triangular? leaving less metal to bend & less weight.
I will do thicker sides then. I could make them lower and space the mount up from the chassis. I'm not sure how much space I will have for bolts
in there that's all. Should I just make it all from 5mm? Or is it overkill?
I could put some fillets in the corners of the open ends to stop it twisting.
i think 3mm is more than enough. did you ever see a production car with 5mm plate eng mounts..........
This is true although they are usually on curved pressed steel so that would be a bit stronger than square corners? I will see what steel I have at work and go from there. I know I have 5 and 8mm lol.