I was considering using box section to make my engine mounts as opposed to round tubing. Has anyone done this or does anyone have any thoughts?
mine are made from some 3mm plates, two pairs of inch square 16g, and a chopped up front sierra shock absorber, from the donor (nice thick walled tube
source). i suspect anything will do provided they are well designed.
How strange you had this idea, i was only thinking the same thing today. Did you think of this because you dont have any round tube? Thats why i did.
Although im making engine mounts for a bike engine so things will like slightly different. Im going to put bush tubes on one end connected to the
chassis and im not sure how to finish the other end yet, maybe some sort of right angled plate.
Good luck anyway.
[Edited on 28/9/04 by ChrisS]
I was thinking of 3-5mm plate and the same again in RHS. As it happens I don't have any suitable tubing, but my main reason is that it would be easier to align the angles on either end using box section as opposed to round tube.
My MK engine mounts are made from 50mm RHS and ~3mm plate if thats any use!
Ready made!
Made mine from 50mm RHS with 3mm plate at either end. Used Landrover rubbery bits.
Mine are 40x3mm rhs and 3mm plate because I had some spare. There are some pictures in my archive.
Made mine out of 50mm x 3mm wall RHS and 3mm plate. Fiesta rubbers.
why would you want to restrict yourself to round tube anyway?
I don't really. Would much rather use box section. It's easier to mitre and it's easier to align your mitres if you're cutting
with a hacksaw. Just worried about stress issues. Don't want them to collapse when they're on the road..
Think I'll definately be going for RHS. Cheers guys.
i made my 2 ins section engine mounts from 4 bits of inch rhs welded at the edges. thats never gonna collapse! looks like a battenburg cake inside