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How do Webers work?
scoobyis2cool - 30/9/04 at 12:06 AM

I'm interested in learning how Webers and suchlike work. I read a great site about how to select jets etc HERE, but would like to know a bit more about how the internals work. Anyone got any good sites they know of?



[Edited on 30/9/04 by scoobyis2cool]

Kissy - 30/9/04 at 06:49 AM

Haynes do a manual purely on Webers, and jolly good it is too.

scoobyis2cool - 30/9/04 at 03:55 PM

Are there any online sources that would give me a good basic knowledge? Being a student I'm virtually allergic to spending money on stuff that can't get me drunk


flak monkey - 1/10/04 at 12:45 PM

This any good?

and this from the same page?

Just a thought...

David m/

[Edited on 1/10/04 by flak monkey]

stephen_gusterson - 1/10/04 at 01:40 PM

mr flack is back!

still sans norks tho



[Edited on 1/10/04 by stephen_gusterson]

I love speed :-P - 1/10/04 at 08:32 PM

long time no c david, how was the brake?

flak monkey - 4/10/04 at 10:53 AM

Break was ok, worked all the holiday (barr 2 weeks). Earnt loads of money and got nothing done! ahh well... such is life...

I am now looking into the bearing loads in different types of water pumps for one of my projects, a lot less interesting than it sounds...
