I'm considering throwing a 4AGE in my Locost. Naturally, a 4age would be a cracking choice, and i think i may get enough out of a MK1 MR2 to keep
the original plate, but naturally the gearbox will need swapped. Other than the T50 Corolla hens teeth gearbox, are there any other longitude
gearboxes that are common enough to get cheap? I know RAW do the adapter but im thinking of options closer to the lower end budget.
Also, think i could keep the MK1 MR2 plate if i could use one as a donor? How much of it owuld need to be used for a Locost if i changed the box but
kept as much of the rest? Anyone considered these as an option?
If you want a 4AGE buy the adaptor - there is no cheap alternative gearbox and making a bellhousing (although far from impossible) is a huge faff.
4AGE's are good engines if a little long in the tooth for easy/cheap parts tbh - but if you aren't willing to buy the adaptor I'd use
something else, there are equally good and more modern engines which will be a lot easier to use
Which 4AGE are you looking at?
I've had both the smallport 16V and 20 valve silvertop in mine. Either the Silvertop or the later Blacktop would be brilliant in my opinion.
I've got a T50 on mine but many here in Oz use an adapter for the Type 9 - it probably comes down to what's most available where you are.
Those with Type 9's tend to use concentric slave cylinders [from a SAAB I think] and these appear to require very accurate setting up to be
You won't be able to keep the MR2 plate. If you use two major components from the MR2 then you may be able to get an age related plate subject to
meeting any other criteria, otherwise it will be a Q plate. Major components are engine, gearbox, axle etc. Whatever you do the car will need to pass
an IVA test prior to registration.
There are guidance leaflets available from DVLA.
Well, I was looking at a basic 4A from a mk1 mr2. Plenty of those around that are rotten, so could be picked up cheap. Fairly hard wearing mechanicals
too, but its looking like it may be a bit more hassle than its worth.
Will look at the DVLA rules about how much needs to remain fr an age related plate. I figured the brakes, hubs, steering rack etc could be reused, but
the box and axle will most likely need changed so might mean a lot of work for an idea that won't.
Originally posted by thetankwad
Will look at the DVLA rules about how much needs to remain fr an age related plate. I figured the brakes, hubs, steering rack etc could be reused, but the box and axle will most likely need changed so might mean a lot of work for an idea that won't.
I know the mk1 mr2 well, so i was leaning towards it for simplicity too. In all fairness, the more i consider it the further it goes from simplicity.
Really want a traditional build, so a front rear layout is the only way for me. I think an MX5 based build will be the only way to do it in budget.
Still, it was worth considering...