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Tiger Avon "Geared" Starter help needed please
m4maverick - 12/5/13 at 10:06 PM

Hi, I am looking to replace my starter with one of the geared units, however am having trouble getting a unit to fit.

The engine is Silvertop 2.0l Zetec, type 9 gearbox, tiger lightened flywheel pinto ring gear. Existing starter is the FRS122 10 tooth pinion.

I have tried to fit the Powerlite starter model RAC110a, however this fouls the chassis rail no matter which way you try and mount it.

Has anyone fitted a geared type starter to an Avon ? if so can you possiblly let me know which manufacturer and which model of starter.

Can't find anything specific to the Avon using the search, but thought I would ask anyway
Thanks Mike.

PS sorry to anyone who also reads the tiger or SKCC forums have also posted there for wider audience.

Schrodinger - 13/5/13 at 09:55 AM

Have you tried Tiger 01945 466200 ?