Hello all!
Making a start on the project at last and getting the engine all ready. Went to put it on a stand yesterday so removed the subframe it was on along
with the gear box.
The clutch came off easy enough but couldn't undo the 6 bolts holding on the fly wheel... how do you hold the flywheel stationary to undo the
nuts? ... It's all a little new to us
Thank you in advance.
Sump off, and block the crankshaft from turning with a block of wood??
I bolted a length of steel bar onto the flywheel using one of the clutch cover bolt holes. Try to lossen off the flywheel bolt and as the flywheel
turns the lenght of bar locks of aginst the ground preventing any further rotaion the bolt will then loosen. Do the same for the reamining bolts. In
the true tradion of the Haynes manual " refitting is a revesral".
use a short length of flat say 40mm x3mm or similar,put a dog leg in it of the appropriate size, bolt one end to clutch cover bolt like arnie says
& bolt the other end thru a handy bell housing mount hole. Then proceed like the Haynes manual says! Cheers, Steve
I made two "hook" shaped tools from 5mm steel plate. One end of each tool bolted to block gearbox mounting holes each side "hook"
on other end of tool locks into flywheel teeth.
If you can picture this
Worked for me
i just use a air gun
I went with the air gun option too!
Cheers guys... will give that a go.. failing that it sounds like I should invest in an airgun