Hi all.
Need to top up my gearbox oil and having done a search, it appears i need 75w90 gl4 gearbox oil. Been to a few local motor factors and there oils say
they are gl4 and gl5.
Can't find gl4 alone. Is the other stuff no good? If not where have people purchased it from
Halfords sell both Comma and Halfords branded GL4 oil.
With the exception of GL5 oils Rwd gearboxes generally can happily use most oils including 5w/40 or 10w/40 engine oil and automatic transmission
comma sell 75w90 gl4 on amazon for under £6 a litre delivered.
and BGH recommend the Comma stuff for there boxes (even the top spec ones) - so its more than good enough
Hadn't even thought of amazon.
Now ordered
Used comma in mine. All good
Don't use GL5, contains additives that damages bushes and synchs iirc.
Originally posted by emwmarine
Don't use GL5, contains additives that damages bushes and synchs iirc.
So what gearbox would use gl5 ?
most fwd boxes with the diff in the gearbox
I have just bought this for my type9 i hope its the right oil at that price
thread resurection....
I had this reply from Quaife when I asked,..
GL5 will be perfectly fine in a Type 9.
If I can be of any assistance in the future please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Alex Miller
Quaife Technical Sales
Tel: 01732 749525
I do hope that he is right
that might just mean a quaife type 9 gearsets - they replace all the bits that are affected afterall
GL5 will kill a standard type 9 synchro's after a while
and the ones that claim to cover both GL4 and GL5 are just as bad...
its to do with the material the bushes and synchro's are made from - anything with GL5 spec. will damage 'yellow metals' like brass
etc. due to the much higher levels of sulfur/phosphorous additives in the GL5
just use this stuff - its the perfect spec for the type 9 and its cheap too
[Edited on 24/4/2014 by mcerd1]