I have been offered a Ford 1.3 xflow as in the attached pictures. It is from a Escort Mk5? and the owner tells me that it has less than 20,000 miles
on it. It is definitely a 1.3 as that is the marking on the side of the block.
The question that I have about it is that it looks like the Endura or the HCS engine but I do not know what the tubes coming out of each cylinder are
and what is the unit on the rear of the engine that they run into.
Can someone please identify this engine and would it be be any good to use in my kit-car?
Thank you
Dont know what the tubes are but if its a Mk5 I think it doesnt have the castings on the block for the engine mountings as it would have been transverse FWD. Can someone confirm if I am right? I was offered a Fiesta engine once but that didnt have the castings.
not a x-flow that, its a hcs engine
Tubes are for letting air into the exhaust to improve emissions, helps the CAT heat up.
remove the whole lot and block the holes, if they are funny threads just saw off the tube and stick a blob of weld on top then bolt back in.
As there are no positions on the side of the block for engine mounts you would need to fabricate something to do the job with brackets to bolt positions elsewhere on the engine. It could be done. An original Kent crossflow would be easier but it would be a good challenge to fit this in a rwd configuration. What are the ignition arrangements with this, does it have a distributor or Edis and coil pack ?
Thank you all for your replies.
Originally posted by Not Anumber
As there are no positions on the side of the block for engine mounts you would need to fabricate something to do the job with brackets to bolt positions elsewhere on the engine. It could be done. An original Kent crossflow would be easier but it would be a good challenge to fit this in a rwd configuration. What are the ignition arrangements with this, does it have a distributor or Edis and coil pack ?