Well, after an aborted attempt yesterday, managed to track down an Oil Switch today.
Added the oil, checked the wiring and after a little turning over got the oil pressure light off. Connected up the OMEX and
Then, needed to give the new hydraulic clutch a quick check, so what better way than a little drive (not me driving by the way...I am much older
than that .)
Am so pleased. I was getting very down about the lack of progress and came close to listing it for sale. Had to remember that it has had a huge
change in spec etc from the Pinto setup I had.
It is going to have the exhaust adjusted this week, get the cooling sorted and then tidy a few things up. Then off to have a rolling road map
[Edited on 23/6/13 by karlak]
Well done, now the engine is running it will you a kick up the arse to get it finished......well that's how it works with me. I still have not got mine running because I am waiting for my exhaust.
Powwwerrrrr, wooho!
Well done mate, its making the same sounds as mine fantastic.
Well done!! Doesn't seem two minutes since you were picking up the Pinto from us after we'd done our Duratec!
Cheers Guys,
Am still smiling. I was getting very down with it, but when I stood back last night and worked out what has changed on the car, realised that it has
had a huge upgrade from where it was.
Sounds sweet... Well done.....