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how can you tell ford diff sizes 7" - 7.5"
alfas - 28/6/13 at 04:09 PM

i´m a bit confused about my diff size:

it should be from a sierra cosworth 2wd..ergo: 7.5inch

i bought one from a scorpio (i think called "Granada mk3 in UK?) which should be always a 7.5inch

than i checked this page:

both my diffs have a long bolt on the front lower fixing, the width on the lower fixing is around 177mm on both diffs...which would mean 6,99inch. ..ergo 7" diff as i thought this lower fixing measurement indicates the diff size?

the width measured from drive-flange to drive-flange is roughly 300mm on both diffs.

so can anybody help me to identify my diff?

alfas - 28/6/13 at 04:18 PM mistake was measuring the lower fixing width...i should have measured the upper its 193mm on both diffs. ergo: 7.5"

but another question:

the diff in the car has a rear top-mount.

my spare diff has a koala mount.

so i swap the diff-covers and thats it?

jacko - 28/6/13 at 07:22 PM

Yes that about it on a lot of kits the mount you are talking about is not used
Have a look at Google images and you will see all the different types for sierra / granada

avagolen - 28/6/13 at 08:24 PM

As far as I know, the easiest way to tell a 7 inch from a 7.5 inch one is the front top bolt
mounting hole in the casing is solid in the 7.5 inch diff and open in the 7 inch unit.

This is a 7 inch diff and you can see the hollowed out top mounting.


robinj66 - 28/6/13 at 09:38 PM

Good tip. Thanks