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zetec questions - too afraid to ask but always wanted to...
wheelsinsteadofhooves - 15/10/04 at 04:15 PM

err, herews a bunch of random stuff i cant work out, but need to if im going to get the beast throbbing (oh ah)..

1. what is the torque setting for the camshaft cap bolts on a 1.8 zetec?

2. if i remove all the injection electronics to fit a pair of 40's, how do i get the spark timing - do i fit a standard distibuter (where/how?), or use the cam sensor in some funky way to use the solid0state distributer on the back of the head?

3. what goes into/outof the spigot on the inlet side of the camcover?

4. tons more, anyone know any good reference websites/books with all this jazz on it. know its been done a million times but not by me yet..

many thanks, happy building on the weekend.

andybod - 15/10/04 at 04:41 PM

have a look at luego pages under which engine i,ve just been asking the same question quite alot of info regarding using alternative ford bit,s and also have a look at go to there main index and you,ll see the pages regarding zetec conversion.s loads of info there hope this helps