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Lobro driveshaft joint checking
Northy - 17/10/04 at 01:43 PM


How do you tell if Lobro driveshaft joints are still ok?


mangogrooveworkshop - 17/10/04 at 04:29 PM

If they dont give you Knock KnocK jokes when in use. Other than that the clues are rubber boots ok and what condition the grease is in ( Is it contaminated or not) other than that its lucky dip.

Northy - 17/10/04 at 04:34 PM

Cheers. They're not fitted to the car, they're on the bench!

Should there be any slack in them at all if I hold one end and try to rotate the other?


Mad Dave - 18/10/04 at 06:48 AM

Why don't you strip them and check them that way? I did this a couple of weeks ago, its simple really. There are 6 ball bearings, the outer and inner case and a bearing locator thing. Just make sure you mark them up and put them back the right way round if not it will be a locked joint. I drilled a tiny dimple in the outer and inner case so I knew where to align them when rebuilding.
