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Overflow tank (again!)
David Jenkins - 30/9/02 at 09:14 AM

Folks, I'm going through one of those dumb modes... (again!)

I plan to set up my engine waterworks with an unpressurised overflow tank - the pressure cap vents water into the tank when the engine is hot, and sucks it back in when the engine cools down.

Now I've asked this before, but I've forgotten/lost the answer - does the tank have to be above the highest point of the engine's plumbing, or can it be alongside the engine? I know that a pressurised header tank has to be above, but I don't know about my choice.

It would be really convenient if the tank can be low!



David Jenkins - 30/9/02 at 09:45 AM

Sorted it myself! I suddenly remembered that Dave Andrews had written something on this...

...and the answer is "slightly higher than the level of the radiator"!


theconrodkid - 30/9/02 at 06:15 PM

a lot of cars have that system and plant the tank anywhere it will fit,if the bottom of the overflow hose is in water it will suak it back up hill no probs

stephen_gusterson - 30/9/02 at 07:02 PM

from the old cars I had in the past, it was BELOWWWWWWW the top of the engine.

I suspect its not critical.



David Jenkins - 1/10/02 at 08:15 AM

from the old cars I had in the past, it was BELOWWWWWWW the top of the engine.

I suspect its not critical.



Excellent! I have just the location for it...
