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Getting Carb's Set Up in Scotland (or NE England)
scootz - 21/8/13 at 01:02 PM

Put my deposit down on a new car and picking up next week.

The chap I'm buying it from reckons the twin 40 Webers are a little out of sync, so I'm anticipating having to sort that out. Can anyone recommed someone in Scotland or NE England who REALLY knows how to set up a pair of carbs?


scootz - 21/8/13 at 01:09 PM

Found these guys in Prestwick... still a 2 hour journey though

Mr Whippy - 21/8/13 at 01:30 PM

Not just do it yourself and buy a balancer and a colour tune? Easy job, even vids on you tube talking you through it

mcerd1 - 21/8/13 at 02:15 PM

got one of these you can borrow:

kj - 21/8/13 at 02:40 PM

I used this guy he set up cars throught my family and knows his stuff
Hawk Tuning Services
Unit 1, Bridge End Works
Ryhope Road
Tyne & Wear
Call us on:
(0191) 523 8181

myke pocock - 21/8/13 at 04:11 PM

Why not try Bogg Brothers? Mr Bogg is a genius and he doesnt just do bike carbs.

dave - 21/8/13 at 05:06 PM

Try car tuning clinic in Abbeyhill. he has a rolling and everything.

scootz - 21/8/13 at 05:17 PM

Cheers guys. I only ask the question as the Carb 'specialists' I've seen in the past really only knew how to balance them... they didn't have much of a clue about ensuring they were fitted with the right jets, etc. in the first place.

dave - 21/8/13 at 05:26 PM

Ive had 2 cars with 45's done at CTC, first class service.

scootz - 21/8/13 at 05:32 PM

Will give them a go! Thanks Dave!