Predictably things are not going to plan!!! I am fitting a type 9 box to my x flow engine and have discovered that the input shaft on the 4 speed box
I have taken out is smaller than the type 9, (22mm OD for the 4 speed and 27.15mm for the Type 9) Where do I source a front yolk and splined tube unit
to fit to my existing prop shaft?
[Edited on 7/9/13 by myke pocock]
You'll have to change the clutch
Yes, I have the correct friction plate, its the input shaft on the Type 9 that differs in size from the 4 speed prop.
Do you mean the output shaft of the gearbox, if so get your prop shaft modified to suit the type 9 output
You'll need to fit a propshaft end from a ford that uses that size gearbox shaft and has a hardy spicer type joint fitted. a lot of the sierras
and transits had a rubber do-nut fitted, these are no good as they don't fit in the transmission tunnel.
capri's, a lot of the 'v' engined fords, early sierras, etc. are a good source.
Originally posted by myke pocock
I discovered that the input shaft on the 4 speed box I have taken out is smaller than the type 9, (22mm OD for the 4 speed and 27.15mm for the Type 9)
[Edited on 7/9/13 by myke pocock]
Originally posted by slingshot2000
Originally posted by myke pocock
I discovered that the input shaft on the 4 speed box I have taken out is smaller than the type 9, (22mm OD for the 4 speed and 27.15mm for the Type 9)
[Edited on 7/9/13 by myke pocock]
You need a bearing that fits inside the end of the crossflow crankshaft, I cannot remember the correct name, but it is (or certainly was), and off the shelf Ford part. Maybe someone like Burtons could help you out with this?
Think I am confusing people. The problem is at the REAR of the gearbox where the prop shaft fits to it. I need a new yolk with the spline that fits my gearbox and I think one of the replies has identified that so many thanks.
Bailey Morris should be able to help you, all you need is a Sierra propshaft with the correct sliding joint. The Sierra has a rubber doughnut behind the box but my prop from BM came with a sliding joint and UJ much the same as the one next to the diff.