Hi ! Hopefully soon i ll be fitting the petrol tank. Just need a bit of iva friendly advice please . Its aluminium and i understand it needs to be secured by two metal straps 2 inches wide and that it needs some rubber or something under the tank where it rests and under the straps to protect the tank. So could anybody recommend the best materials and thickness for doing this ? And any other helpful advice on getting the job done ? Cheers !
I used ally angle and strip, lined with adhesive foam. Passed IVA 3 months ago. Done a 1000miles, still rock solid.
mounting straps
Use steel for the straps. I cut some strips from a sheet. It doesn't need to be vary thick. Main stream car ones are pretty thin and flexible.
Think mine is 16s gauge.
Don't use ally as it has a habit of fatiguing and let the tank come loose. I had one fall out of a Strier in front of me at Llandow a couple of
years ago.
There is special rubber available (think Woolies sell it) but in locost tradition, I just cut an old bike inner tube and threaded the strip through
I put closed cell foam strip (Woolies again) between tank and chassis
Don't forget to put an earth strap between tank and chassis.
Originally posted by adithorp
in locost tradition, I just cut an old bike inner tube and threaded the strip through that.
thanks everyone . very helpful