I've got one of these fitted to the top of my fuel
When I first fitted it I ran an old piece of hose I found in the garage from the breather down to the bottom of the car. After a couple of weeks, when
lying under the back of the car I noticed a petrol smell. Checked the breather hose and there was a bit of petrol sludge on the end of the breather. I
assumed this was due to the old bit of hose. Bought some new hose and fitted and two weeks later the same thing has happened. The sludge is a bit like
a sort of jelly, about half an inch in the end of the tube.
Any thoughts? I've ordered a new longer length of hose so I can do I big u in the pipe to catch anything before the iva inspector sees it
I suspect its a result of using ethanol mixed fuel, very common these days up to 20% blended
Supermarket fuel is the worst for this, I believe shell optimax is the only petrol these days without ethanol content.
Originally posted by mark chandler
I suspect its a result of using ethanol mixed fuel, very common these days up to 20% blended